Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

week 5_discussion_Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation

week 5_discussion_Organizational Leadership and Management in Sport, Fitness and Recreation

Q Question: Provide an example of dealing with a problem employee. Were any of the steps from the text used? What worked and what didn't work? If you have problem employee and have not yet addressed the issue, what steps will you take to work to resolve the issue

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As I work in a school where I have a team for sports department, there is a member who always try to behave in a dominating way and we all are stuck with some or the other argument regarding the decision making. While reading the text, I understood that we can solve this problem with extinction using the help from the lead and the principal. As our dominating team member have a habit of complaining of things which most of the time is done because of her wrong decision making, it brings our entire department into trouble and mostly affect the students in the sports team.